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450 CDI springt warm nicht an

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vor einer Stunde schrieb mottofreee:

CPS does so, please check.

No, it does not. The CPS cannot give signals if the crankshaft isnt running, either with defect CPS or with intact CPS.


I think you have missed the fact the starter does not work in this case.

705 Kilometer mit 19,43 Litern sind 2,75 Liter/100 Km.

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Wundersame Heilung hatte die Box ja ausgebaut und alle Kontakte Incl Relais gereinigt und wieder eingebaut heute Test ca 20 km warmgefahren dann abgestellt Auto springt an 10 Mal getestet an der Box muss aber schon Mal jemand drangewesen sein lag nur lose im Fach nicht verschraubt Bonn Mal gespannt ob's so bleibt

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In the past years I have encountered this defect and it has always been CPS. Engine ECU (EDG / MEG) at start check the operating conditions and if CPS does not respond it can block the engine start (cut off injection, cut off starter).

Still, good thing it worked out.

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What is your Definition of CPS?

Camshaft Position or Crankshaft Position Sensor.

By the way, missing Signal of the CPS don't Block the Starter!

If the MEG don't receive the Signal of the Crankshaft Position Sensor, the Starter will always work, but the engine did not Start.

In this case the MEG didn't have a Information about the Position of the engine and block the Ignition, but not the Starter!


bearbeitet von Ahnungslos

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vor 7 Minuten schrieb Ollimolli00:

Voi învăța un pic de engleză acum? Studiile mele din liceu sunt foarte întârziate, dar Google Translator se pricepe la asta

I use GT but I can only write in English because I don't know German and GT has to be supervised to translate what you didn't say.

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Smart 450 CDI there is a position sensor only for the crankshaft. On the camshaft there is no sensor on the Smart CDI equipped with OM660.940 engine.
Also Smart CDI is equipped with EDG. I also met Smart with EDG and Smart with MEG (O160).
Smart has passive CPS, a coil.

The principle of operation was used by Citroen and consists in inducing a voltage with a known frequency in the coil forming a fixed frequency magnetic field. When a metal body interferes with the formed field, the frequency changes and this change is detected and interpreted properly - when the coil it is interrupted (and only temporarily) the oscillation is crazy and the ECU gets confused and gives STOP starter and injection cutoff. In other cases it generates limp mode (ABS sensors).

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb mottofreee:

 and the ECU gets confused and gives STOP starter and injection cutoff. 


This is not correct!

The Starter turns without any Signal from the crankshaft Sensor!


bearbeitet von Ahnungslos

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Gast stuhlfahrer


bearbeitet von stuhlfahrer

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Olee olee oleeeee!😂

Aber stimmt schon. Der Starter läuft immer sofern im Display ein N steht, die Relaisbox fit ist und das Massekabel und Klemme 50 am Anlasser (das kleine Kabel) Kontakt hat. Egal ob mit Hilfe des Kurbelwellensensors ein Einspritz"signal" generiert wird oder nicht. 

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