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Disconnecting ESP

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Hello! I don't speek german so I hope that there is someone who can answere in english. I'd like to know if there is an easy way to disconnect the esp-system in a Smart? Will it work if I disconnect the ABS-sensors? I live in Sweden and would like to use my smart for some winter rallye! Thanks!

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hi, do you own the 2nd-generation one equipped with the esp-feature ?

if not, it's possible to deactive the trust+ system of the 'old' series of smart.


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Karl-Hendrik, first of all there is a difference between ESP and Trust+. ESP will apply the brake in necessary situations, and is so to speak an active system. The new 2nd generation Smart (my 2003) is equipped with real ESP.

The other Smarts are equipped with Trust+. This system will only limit the gas-supply in necessary (as deemed appropriate by Smart, at least) situations. As far as I know you can only de-activate it by changing the software.


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Hi !

You can turn off the Trust+ simply using a special plug plugged in the socket for the diagnostic system. You can order it from carsten who is also member of this smart-forum. After the rally you can remove the plug an the sytem ist turned on again.


Cartsten's Homepage

Have a nice rally !
Christian Unger
smart pure cdi

[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von Smart-Chris am 06.02.2003 um 12:22 Uhr ]

Christian Unger

smart pure cdi


Mein Smart


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You don't have ESP in your smart, just Trust+, it works a little bit different.

But it'll be no problem to turn off this system:

To disconnect the "trust" you have to turn the sensor under the car for 90°.


So it can't measure the curve-speed and "trust" won't take your speed away any more if you are "to fast" for the system...

To disconnect the "+" you have to stick a piece of wire from pin 2 to pin 5.


So you have disabled the traction-control.

Gruss vom Udo und seinem Winter- justy.jpg
smiliez.de_2125.gifssd_neu.jpg - Normal sind die anderen ...

[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von Udo_B am 06.02.2003 um 12:45 Uhr ]

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hi folks,

I have also heared about the solution of connecting pins at the diagnosis plug right beside the fuses. 2 Questions concerning this procedure:

1) Did one of you try this already in the cdi?
2) Can the pins be connected during ignition on / engine on or during the trust+ is actively operating the clutch?

My idea was to install a switch to deactivate the system in case of need (e.g. snowy road, steep ascending and using snow chains).


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to avoid damage to main control unit connect or disconnect only while engine is stopped and ignition is switched off.

Christian Unger
smart pure cdi

[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von Smart-Chris am 06.02.2003 um 15:06 Uhr ]

Christian Unger

smart pure cdi


Mein Smart


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I wouldn't turn the gyrosensor, because of bodymovements during accleration and braking. So the trust+ unit may reduce engine power during acceleration, that's not very pretty....

Christian Unger
smart pure cdi

Christian Unger

smart pure cdi


Mein Smart


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I wouldn't turn the gyrosensor, because of bodymovements during accleration and braking. So the trust+ unit may reduce engine power during acceleration, that's not very pretty....

Ich hätte das auch in deutsch verstanden zur Not :lol: .......

But the smart doesn't accelerate so fast that the sensor would react. And if you break it'll no problem at all if the elektronic stop the acceleration :lol:

Gruss vom Udo und seinem Winter- justy.jpg
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but where do i find the sensor?

You could already read this at the bottom:

To disconnect the "trust" you have to turn the sensor under the car for 90°.

It's unter the plastic-cover and if you'll not find the sensor there, please don't touch anything else at your car in the future. :lol:


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Ich habe das nur in Englisch geschrieben damit unser schwedischer Smartkollege das auch mit lesen kann. Manchmal finde ich die Nickbewegungen vom Smart aber heftig, ich denke die würden den Sensor wenigstens kurzfristig zum ansprechen bringen. Ich bin eher für die Stecker bzw. Drahtbrückenlösung.

Der Sensor muß nämlich bei erneuter Inbetriebnahme dann wieder richtig kalibriert werden, wird übrigens auch bei jeder Inspektion gemacht.

I would prefer the plug, it's easier and you dont't have to work under the car....

Christian Unger
smart pure cdi

Christian Unger

smart pure cdi


Mein Smart


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Der Sensor und die Drahtbrücke sind zwei völlig verschiedene Sachen, falls da imernoch Missverständnisse sind!

Die Drahtbrücke/Stecker schaltet lediglich das "+" aus, d.h., dass beim Beschleunigen die Antriebsräder nicht mehr überwacht werden und durchdrehen können.

Der Sensor (für "Trust") unterm Auto misst die Querbeschleunigungen und wenn du ihn rumdrehst um 90° oder meinetwegen auch mit nem Winkel hochkant stellst, wird in schnell gefahrenen Kurven kein Gas mehr weggenommen und wenn man's übertreibt, liegt man auf der Seite.

Also zwei voneinander unabhängige Fahrdynamikreglungen!!

Gruss vom Udo und seinem Winter- justy.jpg
smiliez.de_2125.gifssd_neu.jpg - Normal sind die anderen ...

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Thank you for your explanation in German.

Okay the plug / cable is to disable the ASR functionality of the trust plus. this is good for driving snow because you can overturn the wheels, but you don't disable the TRUST to keep the vehicle in the lane and to avoid hopping over.

Sorry Udo, kannte den Unterschied nicht, aber auf das TRUST möchte ich eigentlich nicht verzichten, das + ist hingegen schon manchmal nervig gerade im Winter....

Christian Unger
smart pure cdi

Christian Unger

smart pure cdi


Mein Smart


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So Anyway .....

I just disconnected the "+" and didn't touch the gyro....And i have to say that we had big fun on the lake here in Sweden....Danke Alle


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